SIBO certainly does cause multiple complications. But in the SIBO SOS Summit, multiple expert practitioners weigh in to help you solve your SIBO related problems. Watch. . . REGISTER FOR THE LIVE CONTENT AND REPLAYS HERE>>> Be empowered, Dr Lisa Read more…
Another Video Sneak Peak at the SIBO SOS Summit Content
SIBO SOS Summit is Live June 24-28 Most of my patients are already pretty SIBO savvy but I still get tons of questions about many of the following: Methane Ileocecal Valve Hydrogen Sulfide Motility Breath testing Adhesions Histamine It’s all in here as presented by these top SIBO experts. . . But you still have […] Read more…
SIBO SOS Summit June 24-28
You are personally invited to join the SIBO SOS Summit happening now! Watch a sneak peak preview of some of the excellent content available in this free online video summit. . . You’ll hear from: Allison Siebecker Michael Ruscio Mellanie Keller Angel Pifer Gary Stapleton Datis Kharrazian . . .and so many more amazing professionals […] Read more…
One SIBO Patient’s Battle with Biofilm
Endlessly treating infections with no improvement is frustrating, time consuming, expensive and over time, can lead to more resistant issues. This was the case for one patient who battled chronic fatigue, recurrent sinus issues, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), numerous chronic infections and other tormenting symptoms. In her case, we combined an elimination diet, biofilm disruption, […] Read more…
One SIBO Patient’s Journey Back to Health
SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) can be quite disabling. For some, it’s a lonely life of isolation, often being bed-ridden or unable to leave the house, never able to share meals out with family or friends, and usually accompanied by multiple health issues. Here is the story of one patient’s journey and transformation from SIBO and […] Read more…
The Best SIBO Protocol
Everyone wants to know, “What’s the best SIBO protocol?” Here’s my profound answer. Are you ready? The best SIBO protocol is the one that helps YOU heal. Fortunately, there are experts in the field who are doing extensive research and paving the way for other practitioners to explore ways of helping their patients. We applaud […] Read more…
How to Explain SIBO to Family and Friends So They Get It
Do you ever feel like no one gets it? That you’re all alone out there in SIBO City where no one realizes what you go through and no one has any idea how hard it is just to make it through the day? Let alone, actually find food to eat that doesn’t destroy you! Hopefully this […] Read more…
Research Smesearch: What to Do When Evidence Based Medicine Fails
Warning: This is an opinion paper by Dr Lisa Giusiana. No research has been done to prove or disprove this theory. Whether you are a practitioner or a patient, the intention here is to encourage you to think! As doctors, we are trained to search the medical research literature for what has been proven effective as far […] Read more…
SIBO and Die-Off Reactions: What You Need to Know
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is a condition where bacteria has inappropriately inhabited the small bowel and is causing problems such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, constipation and/or diarrhea, and can also progress into even more serious health problems. Conventional medicine uses antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Holistic health care recommends a combination of diet that starves […] Read more…
Why Diet is SO Important in Overcoming SIBO
I’m just going to be blunt here. If you think you can overcome SIBO without being mindful of what you eat, you’re simply deceiving yourself. Think about it. . .your digestive system is the only part of your body that comes into direct contact with the food you eat. That means that every single thing […] Read more…